Displaying 793 - 828 of 865 results



Bucket list: the incredible Weston Sand Sculpture Festival 2014

In my own naïve way, when wandering around art galleries, I've often stood with hands clasped behind my back, looking up at some impressive bronze statue or other and thought... “What if the sculptor made a mistake?” That's more or...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Designs Of The Year 2014

Spring can mean different things for different people but in the design world it's all about the nominees and the winners of Designs Of The Year. Acting as the main event at the Design Museum until the 25th August, the seven different categories...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


How to be right.

When it comes to the minutiae of modern life, I'm prone to getting things wrong. Go to the shop, come back with the wrong size batteries; turn up for an event on the wrong day; forget to put the clocks back - all that sort of thing, hopeless. But on...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


BBDO win big at the inaugural Warc Prize awards

Warc, the global online advertising resource, recently announced the winners of the inaugural Warc Prize for Social Strategy. The prize is a search for social ideas (any strategy designed to generate 'earned media') that drive business results, and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


No reply. Are contact forms a waste of time and pixels?

Recently, I spotted something of interest on the site of a firm of creative recruitment consultants. Clicking through to their 'contact us' page, I was pleased to notice a statement declaring their belief in common courtesy, backed with a promise to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Human Flesh Fonts

Font design has never been so competitive, so technically advanced, so multi-platformed. These days just about anything can be formed into an eye catching font, aesthetically enticing enough to be snapped up by graphic designers, all you need is...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Use and abuse. Can we really make the internet a safer place?

Yesterday was 'Internet Safety Day'. Which pretty much proves the pointlessness of things having days dedicated to them. Unless the internet was substantially and provably safer for the entirety of 11th February 2014, or yesterday marked the point...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship call for entries

The 2014 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship has launched and is inviting applications from schools of architecture around the world. A £6,000 grant will be awarded to one student by a panel of judges which includes Lord Foster and the...

Posted by: Foster + Partners


Anatomy Of A Headline

I've always loved advertising headlines. Long before I embarked on a copywriting career, I'd amuse myself by creating new versions of lines I saw in magazines or tube trains. Even as a kid, my mum (an English teacher) would point out headlines she...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Royal Wedding Causes Flurry of New Designs on Everyday Items

You are aware, I'm sure, that Prince William, heir to the throne, is to marry Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey on 29th April 2011. What you may not be aware of, however, that the national celebration has caused an outbreak of organisations to jump...

Posted by: Creativepool


Drive Like A Girl: patronising, discriminatory...or clever?

Most people would probably agree that, these days, we are a much more touchy-feely nation than ever before. Or much more “politically correct”, if you want to be more politically correct about the label. But advertising is still one of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Two trends influencing the performance of your brand

The best-laid strategies have to be amenable to change. In the long term, market forces, cultural changes and technological innovation can all shift the foundations you’ve built on. And as Darwin explained: it’s not the strongest that...

Posted by: Bray Leino


Internships. A great idea gone bad.

Had it not been for an internship, I wouldn't be a copywriter. Once I'd completed my training, my tutor arranged for a series of placements at various agencies. It was called 'work experience' then, and each placement lasted a few days. It was a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Popcorn puzzles. The strange structure of movie posters.

I'm no statistician, but I can be fairly sure fewer people are watching movies at the cinema with every passing month. Netflix, Sky Movies, Film 4, downloads and DVDs are all conspiring to keep film buffs glued to the sofa and away from the big...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Facing facts. Are Tesco's ad screens really as sinister as we fear?

Say what you like about Tesco, but they know how to create a fuss. A couple of days ago, the digital, broadcast and print media fell on a story about the retail giant and its latest advertising wheeze. As a plethora of reports rushed to tell us,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Writer's "I quit" video goes viral

We’ve all had fantasies about various ways of quitting our jobs. In fact, some of you out there may even have turned freelance because you just couldn’t take the permanent life any more - either because of your boss or the work itself....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Making assumptions. Is the creative recruitment process broken?

A friend of mine applied for a job last month. He's a talented creative professional with many years' experience in the advertising and media industries. Currently in demand as an independent consultant, he didn't apply out of necessity or...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Interns - don't take the p***

Everybody knows that the creative industry is a hard field to crack into when you are first starting out. Everyone also knows that job offers mostly come about because of who you know, rather than what you know and whatever vast sum your student loan...

Posted by: Creativepool


A guide to handling unpaid invoices and refusenik clients.

Creativepoolers in the fortunate position of holding down a fulltime staff job will be familiar with the warm glow of the monthly payslip. Sure, you'd probably like the net total to be larger, but at least your earnings show up on a predictable...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Don’t bother presenting it. Chuck it in an email.

So what is the best way to put your latest spark of creativity in front of a client? In the days before email it was rare to see even a business card design exit the creative floor unaccompanied. But these days we’re not quite so protective....

Posted by: Creativepool


The Importance of Building a Relationship with your Recruiter

Build a relationship with your recruiter to ensure that you are well placed to take advantage of the job opportunities they find. We explain why it’s important for us to have a good working partnership with our candidates and how our candidates...

Posted by: Source


5 minutes with... Shaun Clarkson

Shaun Clarkson is best known for his eclectic interior designs for the likes of Vince Power, Oliver Peyton, Harvey Nichols and Pernod Ricard. Since crashing onto the London hospitality scene in the late eighties (his first outing for Vince Power had...

Posted by: Creativepool


Feel the Hepburn. Why the new Galaxy ad is just plain lazy.

We like Galaxy chocolate bars, I think we're all agreed on that. Lovely, creamy, sugary sledges of tooth rotting gorgeousness, all bundled in delightfully gold foil - wonderful stuff. Mind you, we shouldn't be surprised we think this way, because for...

Posted by: Creativepool


A Day in the Life...Michelle Martin, Head of Production

Michelle Martin Head of Production Lola Post Production LTD Visit Lola Post on IMDB 9am - Grab a coffee, switch the computer on, wait for a zillion emails to appear on my outlook, open the schedule and take a deep breathe before the day...

Posted by: Lola Post Production LTD


Events: Designersblock at Pitfield (Feb 15 - Mar 21)

The place: Pitfield 31 ‐ 35 Pitfield Street London, N1 6HB Exhibition Dates 15th February - 21st March 2013 Opening hours: 11am to 7pm From the 15th of February Designersblock will be hosting an exhibition at Pitfield store and Cafe in...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 'write' idea.

by Ashley Morrison. A few weeks ago, I was approached by a prospective client, who asked whether I'd be interested in doing some work for them. Specifically (or not, as it turned out) they needed me to write a brochure. I assumed they wanted a quote...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are creative people undervalued?

by John Fountain. Welcome to 2013 and to the same old furies. Have you seen the survey on industry salaries published last week in Creative Review? What gets my goat is the findings. Particularly with the question "Are you earning the right...

Posted by: Creativepool


Remember my name. Why aren't there more famous copywriters?

by Magnus Shaw. Almost 2013 and the general appetite for celebrity displays no signs of abating. Not only do we have a voracious interest in those who are famous, but we're carrying an insatiable hunger to be well-known ourselves. Forget...

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you love what you do?

by Ashley Morrison. And do you do what you love? OR do you now HATE what you USED TO love? If it's the latter, is that because it's now your job - and, because you do it day in, day out, it's taken all the love away? I put out this question out in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Matt Johnstone - Illustrator

- View Matt's Creativepool profile. ‘Matt Johnstone is an illustrator based in London. He grew up in the Sussex countryside in a village called Steyning and since graduating from Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design has illustrated for...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description - Broadcast Journalist

What is the work like? Broadcast journalists research and present news items for broadcast on radio, TV and online. Their job is to tell each story in a compelling way - combining the facts with the most apt sounds or pictures. Many journalists...

Posted by: Creativepool

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