Displaying 217 - 252 of 865 results



How to hire a great studio manager – 5 top tips

Studios are busy and often chaotic environments that need to be run like the tightest of ships if they want to achieve their goals and produce quality work at scale and at speed. That’s why studio managers play such an integral role. According...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The NFT football kit for Southampton FC | #BehindTheBrand

Southampton FC recently launched three unique NFTs inspired by its kit design, created by London-based brand and experience design studio ShopTalk/DEPT in collaboration with Formidable and Southampton FC. The NFT kit designs suggest a new,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great art director – 5 top tips

Creativity is a wonderful and very personal thing, but it can also cultivate chaos if it’s not properly guided by the right pair of hands. Those hands often belong to the art director. This is the part of the team that guides the creatives and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Exploring the true medium of light with Ken Gerhardt | #MemberSpotlight

"The camera need not be a cold mechanical device. Like the pen, it is as good as the man who uses it. It can be the extension of mind and heart." This is the mantra by which Ken Gerhardt wields his camera and shapes his vision. A commercial and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


SEO corner - The story of great copy

Ever since our ancestors first gathered around campfires, listening in silent wonder to spoken history, people have always loved stories. We’re hardwired to adore a tale well told - which is one of the many reasons great copy is critical to...

Posted by: The Being Group


SEO Corner - Building useful content briefs

Working closely with content marketing teams is an inevitable part of the SEO professional’s daily life. A majority of the interaction happens through managing the creation of content. SEOs, for better or worse, put their watchful gaze on each...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All Roads Lead To Rome

For any business, there is only ONE reason to have a website. That reason is to make money - and even more critical... make profits. If your company has a website, and you cannot tangibly determine whether it is contributing to PROFITS, or COSTING...

Posted by: Tagmakers


Tackling the wild world of social with Hootsuite | #BehindTheBrand

Billy Jones, senior director of brand marketing at Hootsuite, takes us through the platforms bold new rebrand, developed in-house and by design agency Prophet, which aims to rethink the brand without losing its identity. What was the brief for the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Anonymous Hosting and Online Anonymity

You are not the only one trying to keep your web host's IP address and domain name hidden from the public. No wonder, based on all the easy ways to find out who is hosting a website, including WHOIS (domain registration records), the payment methods...

Posted by: Anna Koretskaya


Ahead of the game in stand design - Interview with Rebecca Barbara Sant

Being an exhibitor at an industry event or trade show like Sigma, offers companies a unique opportunity to attract and engage with prospective customers. It’s the perfect place to create a positive first impression and generate new leads. But...

Posted by: The Authentic Brief


Brand connection through storytelling | #BehindTheBrand

One of the challenges for any new business is for the work to establish a meaningful connection with it's potential customers. In some cases it makes sense to look no further than the surrounding community. Any business in a small community with a...

Posted by: Glenn Rummler


Hoarders matter - Why businesses should embrace advertising hoarding

While new forms of advertising are continuously emerging to cater for the technologically advanced consumer, one form of out-of-home (OOH) marketing never goes out of fashion - advertising hoardings. Advertising hoardings are bold, grandiose, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How little or how much? The problem with value

A little story: My son is at art school here in Shrewsbury, where they’ve recently had their end-of-year exhibition. During the event, he managed to get a commission and a sale. When asked for a price, he froze for a few seconds and then...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


How do we measure design?

For design to have the greatest impact on a business, it must be held to account. To measure the value of design work, we need to establish frameworks that promote objective assessment over the opinion of whoever happens to be the most dominant...

Posted by: ELSE London


4 top tips for a successful creative job interview

Most people think they have interview preparation perfected, but you’d be surprised by how many people overlook basic elements, and some simple improvements, which can be key to your success. We’ve gathered the top 4 tips to make your...

Posted by: Hanover


How generative AI will transform our approach to marketing | #TechMonth

Up till now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the world of marketing has largely been centred around using algorithms to make decisions or analyse data. Now, however, we are seeing real breakthroughs in AI successfully performing jobs that humans...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The art of winning: The top 10 tips you need to win at Awards

Putting together an awards entry takes a bit of science and art. We've compiled this Top 10 list from judges and winners to give you the knowledge on how to create the perfect submission. 1. Tell a story Everyone loves a good story. The best way to...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to achieve performance objectives with connected experiences

Performance metrics for digital advertising have transformed our industry. Transparent, targeted, and accountable campaigns are more impactful than ever. The challenge to brands is wading through the variety of digital advertising options. Choose...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Engine boosted recruitment for the Royal Air Force | #BehindTheIdea

The Air and Space Operations division of the Royal Air Force doesn't get much drama on a day-to-day basis; but when they do, it's as high-stakes as you could ever imagine. The Royal Air Force needed to recruit the right people to help protect the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looking for purpose in your next job? You’re not alone

It was September 2016 when this article from The Guardian unveiled that millennials want “purpose over paychecks”. Fast forward to 2022, two years after the beginning of a global pandemic, and things are hardly looking any different. If...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow one of the fiercest female illustrators in the game

To mark the end of Women’s History Month, we’re getting to know the illustrator, artists and graphic designer Lucie Corbasson, known professionally as Lucie Louxor. Lucie has been working as a freelance designer for just over four years...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Keeping curiosity healthy with illustrator Patrick Hruby | #MemberSpotlight

Los Angeles-based illustrator Patrick Hruby grew up in a log cabin within an Idaho forest. As a young boy he dreamt of running away to join the circus and become a trapeze artist. Eventually, however, he grew up to pursue a career as an illustrator....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The best places to work in the UK as a creative

The creative industry continues to retain its reputation as a vibrant sector that has demonstrated immense fortitude against the ever-evolving challenges of the pandemic. But there is a reason why so many creatives continue to flock to the big cities...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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